Malaysia Winner 2021/22
As part of Malaysia's shared economy platform, we believe that there is a ”gray” definition of “Contract of work” and “Contract for work” for the gig industry. Most of the platform set a “set fee” for services rendered by their users, which we believe is an unfair practice. The service providers should be allowed to set their own fee, based on the quality of their services. We have created Fair Fee Algorithm for this purpose.
We will empower our community with digital, Financial and “solopreneur” knowledge through Ed-tech and provide financial assistance through our convergence partners.
Empowering Digital Community For Sustainable Development
1. Digital Transformation of the Childcare Industry within the next 3 years
2. To digitalise 3 Service ecosystems for the next 5 years
3. To become the leading Digital Gig Platform in the region within the next 10 years.
Core Values:
Innovative Opportunity Nurture Knowledge Growth